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How To Start A Photography Side Business

How To Start A Photography Side Business - So, you want to start a photography business, huh? Well, aren't you fancy! But before you start dreaming about all the cash you're going to make, let's get one thing straight - starting a business is HARD WORK. You're going to need some tips, ideas and know-how to get started. Lucky for you, we've got all that and more (including some hilarious commentary) right here. So, buckle up buttercup, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Tip #1 - Invest In The Right Equipment

It's not just about the camera, baby!

That's right, when it comes to starting a photography business, you're going to need more than just the latest camera. You're going to need lenses, lighting equipment, backdrops, tripods, the list goes on and on. And no, you can't just borrow your cousin's camera and call it a day. Trust us, your clients will notice.

invest in the right equipment

Tip #2 - Create A Killer Portfolio

Show 'em what you've got!

When it comes to photography, your portfolio is everything. It's the first thing potential clients will see and it's what will make them decide whether or not to hire you. So, make sure your portfolio is filled with only your best work. And no, that blurry picture you took of your dog doesn't count.

create a killer portfolio

Tip #3 - Define Your Niche

You can't be everything to everyone

It's important to define your niche when starting a photography business. Are you going to focus on weddings? Family portraits? Product photography? The possibilities are endless, but it's important to choose a niche that you're passionate about and that you can excel in. Plus, it will make marketing your business a whole lot easier.

define your niche

Tip #4 - Network, Network, Network

Who you know is just as important as what you know

When it comes to starting a business, networking is key. Attend networking events, join local photography groups, and connect with other photographers in your area. You never know who might be able to refer you to their friend who's getting married next month.

Network, Network, Network

Tip #5 - Get Your Finances In Order

Money doesn't grow on trees, unfortunately

Starting a business can be expensive. Between equipment, marketing, and general expenses, the costs can add up quickly. It's important to have a budget in place and to keep track of your finances from day one. Oh, and don't forget about taxes - Uncle Sam doesn't mess around.

get your finances in order

Tip #6 - Market Your Business Like A Boss

You're a rockstar, act like one

Marketing is crucial when it comes to starting a photography business. You can have the best equipment and the most beautiful portfolio, but if no one knows about you, you won't get very far. Use social media, create a website, and invest in advertising. And hey, if you're feeling really sassy, start wearing a sandwich board with your website on it. Just kidding, please don't do that.

In conclusion, starting a photography business is hard work, but it's also incredibly rewarding. With the right equipment, killer portfolio, defined niche, networking skills, financial know-how, and killer marketing, you can make your business a success. And if all else fails, just keep taking pictures of your dog - he's adorable.

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